Ken Long’s Tortoise Chatroom Quizzes

Note from Ken – In the Tortoise trading community, we have been experimenting with the use of frequent quizzes to rapidly absorb our trading concepts and learn to apply them to individual situations. Here are 4 recent examples that illustrate this idea in action. You may not be familiar with the chart appearance but see if you can find one or more trades to frame in each chart. This technique has become such a powerful learning approach that we’ve created a quiz-based home study and residential workshop to apply the technique on over 100 quizzes. So far, so good!

Watch the accompanying video which interprets and helps explain the markups on the charts themselves.

Quiz #1: Swing Trade in DVN:

Quiz #2: Swing and Day (Core & Turbo) Trades with EWW

  1. “Core” swing trade frame in EWW
  2. “Turbo” Intraday trade in EWW

Quiz #3: Next Day on EWW – Intraday Continuation Trade, “Resiliency”


Watch the Quiz Solution Video to see Ken’s trade analysis for these charts.

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