Big R Trades by Hybrid Trading Workshop Students on Tuesday, May 26th, 2020 by Ken Long


Note from Ken on Tuesday, May 26

Some of the Hybrid Trading Workshop students are actively trading now while also learning the techniques. Several gained 5R+ trades today (May 26) while applying the simplest rule set to our most basic pattern. More importantly, their self-assessment identified several places where they can improve their performance with some simple tweaks of their psychology and technique.

In the strategy podcast last night, I covered those trades and the intraday technique “Supported Spring Crossing” we taught over the weekend. That pattern worked like a champ today (May 26).

Separately, a Hybrid Workshop student sent me the following email about insights coming from the Peak Performance Home Study Course self-work assignment:

Hi Ken,

Thank you for your questions.

Best (+):

– I’ve never really sat down before to review “Who Am I” as a person, so it was a very enlightening experience to learn about myself (and to learn more about myself in the process), the roles I play in my life, and also to discover my values and ranking them.

– The exercise also helped me to unearth some parts that could potentially be sabotaging me in my trading. I am going through the Peak Performance Course so identifying the parts also helped me with going through the Parts Negotiation exercise.


– Continue to identify various parts of myself whenever they arise from within. Note them down and see how it interacts with my role as a trader.

– Besides a “Trading Journal”, begin a “Life Journal” to note down my daily thoughts about myself, my roles, etc.

– Continually update my understanding of self, systems and market.

– Take time to reflect in a systematic manner (Best, Least, Takeaways, Surprise, Question) after completing every such introspective, self-reflection exercise.

Surprise (!):

– It took me almost a week, much longer than I expected, to finish the exercise. I could feel quite a bit of resistance to finish an examination of my life roles, my purpose, etc. so I need to unearth that inner mental block a lot more.

Question (?):

– I’m pondering whether some roles I have played in the past (but no longer do so now) also have an impact on my current self and on my trading. I will have to identify whether these historical parts surface in present and future experiences, but as to how to do that I will still have to figure it out.


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